May 25, 2012

Drawing Basics: How to draw a roof in perspective

A simple angled roofline drawn in two-point perspective.
Basic roof in perspective
When teaching students two-point perspective I often demonstrate building a simple house or shed to illustrate some of the basic points behind this type of linear perspective. One thing that seems to be difficult for most beginners is to figure out how to get the roofline in perspective. That is what we will be working on today.

Today, you will need to know some of the basics of two-point perspective in order to build a basic box.  If you need help with this or a refresher click this link: two-point perspective.

If you have the basics down and are ready to add a basic roof to your building, let's begin.

May 16, 2012

Anatomy Basics for Artists:The boxing Muscles or the serratus anterior

The muscles of the human body
I have been working on a project figuring out better ways to describe the muscles and the actions they help the body perform. I am doing this in order to understand the human form in ways that allow me to better illustrate the figure more accurately and have more of a range to express what I want to express. It is no easy, task that is for sure. Here is a sample of what I have been working on.

Today we will look at the muscle of the serratus anterior. This is a popular one to draw but is not always clearly visible on everyone. Below I break it down into two subjects, where the muscle is connected to the skeleton and how it move the arm.

Let's take a look.